Root+Wing COVID-19 Statement


For the health and well-being of the community, I have postponed opening the doors of Root+Wing until the risk of spreading the Coronavirus has passed.

I know that many of us are in the midst of grief right now - adjusting to all of the changes happening in the world and in our lives during this challenging time. It hurts that I can not step up to support my community with my training and skills right now. But I can’t, because it isn’t safe. Like everyone else, I have to adapt.

I am taking this time to prepare myself even more deeply, so I can be there for my community when it is safe to offer massage again. The Institute for Grief Massage is allowing those of us who trained with them to retake the trainings online for free, so I am re-immersing myself in my grief massage studies. I am also deepening my self-care practices through the movement arts and yoga nidra. I’m in the midst of a year-long online training program to learn how to facilitate yoga nidra for others. I am also practicing gentle Esalen style massage on my family to keep my bodywork skills alive!

When we are all on the other side of this difficult time, I will be here to offer my hands and heart through massage - as we all reset and help each other heal!

Like so many of you, my family is without an income at this time, so if you’d consider liking my Facebook page, Instagram page, or both, it will help Root+Wing grow and thrive in the future!

With you in service, in wishes of good health and with love, 




Coronavirus Update: September 2020


When You Meet Someone Deep in Grief